Merger 2025: FAQs for employers

We will merge on 21 March 2025
TWUSUPER will become Team Super on 21 March 2025, when we complete our merger with Mine Super (known as Team Super since 20 January 2025).
There will be a ‘Limited Service Period’ in the weeks before and after that date, as we prepare our systems to onboard employers and members into Team Super.
Below we answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) employers have regarding the merger.
Why we’re merging and how it will benefit members and employers
Team Super will combine the resources of TWUSUPER and Mine Super to provide members and employers with the best features of each fund, and as a larger fund the vast majority of TWUSUPER members will see a reduction in fees, and all members will benefit from new investment options and the dangerous occupation exemption for insurance that we will carry over to the new fund.

Key dates and the Limited Service Period
All activities will be paused for a short period of time. Some activities will be unavailable for longer than others. The tables below show the impacted activities and key dates by which those activities must be received by 5pm (AEST/AEDT). Please see page 4 of the Employer Guide for a list of affected activities and dates. Please note that employers could still be liable for the Super Guarantee Charge if they don’t make their Super Guarantee payments by the quarterly deadline of 28 April 2025. Yes, the Account Managers will be available for you as usual.
Team Super and Employer Services
Yes, Team Super will still have Account Managers, and they will still provide you with: No. After the merger, there will be new phone numbers and email addresses. These will be available on our website and in the Employer Guide Yes. Employees who are members of TWUSUPER will have the same member and account numbers when they are moved to Team Super. Please check this webpage and the Employer Guide for the latest information about making Super Guarantee or salary sacrifice payments. If you use the TWUSUPER QuickSuper* clearing house, you will also see information about any upcoming changes to employer super payments. TWUSUPER employers who are registered as TWUSUPER employers will receive information by email. We are no longer accepting new registrations in the lead up to the merger, but you can still sign up for updates online until 7 March 2025. Employers who haven’t opted out of marketing communications and who are registered with TWUSUPER will receive the Employer Guide via email and will also receive updates about the Limited Service Period. Employers who use the TWUSUPER QuickSuper* portal will receive information directly from QuickSuper about the changeover to Team Super QuickSuper. Please see QuickSuper and the merger below to view the QuickSuper FAQ.
QuickSuper and the merger
What is QuickSuper*?
QuickSuper* is a Westpac-owned SuperStream-compliant online payment portal (clearing house) for employers where you can submit and pay super contributions electronically. It caters to all super funds registered in Australia, meaning that employers with employees in different funds (including SMSFs) can use the same QuickSuper account to upload all these payments at once. TWUSUPER and Mine Super both currently use QuickSuper for their registered employers, and QuickSuper will be used by Team Super in 2025.
Will Team Super have a QuickSuper* clearing house?
Yes, Team Super will use Westpac’s QuickSuper* clearing house for registered employers. Of course, you are welcome to use any clearing house you choose – you don’t have to use QuickSuper.
Will Team Super employers pay to use QuickSuper*?
No. QuickSuper* is free of charge for all registered Team Super employers – including those brought over from TWUSUPER.
Will TWUSUPER QuickSuper* accounts automatically be updated to Team Super?
Yes. If you are registered to TWUSUPER’s QuickSuper* portal you will receive updates from QuickSuper as your account will be moved over to Team Super’s QuickSuper portal and the TWUSUPER USI details will automatically be updated. Please login to your QuickSuper* account to check your contact details are up to date.
If you use a different clearing house, you will need to update the TWUSUPER USI details.
Your Account Manager is here to help
This page will be updated as we progress towards the completion of the merger. If you need assistance or have any questions, your local Account Manager is here to help.
*The QuickSuper service is provided to you by Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 ("Westpac") AFSL 233714 at the request of TWU Nominees Pty Ltd, ABN 67 002 835 412, AFSL No 239163 as Trustee for TWUSUPER ABN 77 343 563 307 L0000246, Westpac terms and conditions apply to the QuickSuper service which you will be asked to accept. General advice on this website has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, consider its appropriateness. You should also consider Westpac's Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). The PDS is relevant when deciding whether to acquire or hold a product.
The trustee is not responsible for and does not accept liability for the products and services of QuickSuper. You should use your own judgement before deciding to use QuickSuper.
The QuickSuper service and other products offered on this website are intended for use in Australia only. The products and services offered on this website are not available to individuals located in the European Economic Area.