Product disclosure

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Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs) help you make informed decisions about our super and retirement products. They detail product features, including benefits and risks, fees and your investment options.

Target Market Determinations (TMDs) explain who our products have been designed for, taking into consideration the types of members and their needs, objectives, and financial situation.

Product disclosure

  • Product disclosure
    product disclosure statement image

    Product Disclosure Statement - Super

    A summary of significant information about TWUSUPER

    File size: 364 KB
    product disclosure statement transpension v2 image

    Product Disclosure Statement - TransPension

    To join TransPension, download and read the Pension Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and complete the Membership Application form at the back.

    File size: 2.2 MB
    how super works image

    How Super Works

    Detailed information on tax on super and adding to and withdrawing from your super.

    File size: 342 KB
    investment guide image

    Investment Guide

    Detailed information on super investments and TWUSUPER's investment strategy and process.

    File size: 715 KB
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    Insurance Guide

    A detailed document showing TWUSUPER's insurance arrangements.

    File size: 577 KB
    fees and costs guide image

    Fees and Costs Guide

    An overview of fees and costs associated with our super products. For fees and costs related to retirement costs, see Product Disclosure Statement and Application Form - TransPension above.

    File size: 228 KB
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    Financial Services Guide

    To help you decide whether to use the financial services provided by TWU Nominees Pty Ltd.

    File size: 82 KB

Target Market Determination (TMD)

  • Target Market Determination (TMD)
    stmd image

    Target Market Determination - Accumulation Division

    The Target Market Determination (TMD) for our Accumulation Division explains who this product has been designed for, taking into consideration the types of members and their needs, objectives, and financial situation including any features which may make the product unsuitable for some.

    File size: 138 KB
    ptmd image

    Target Market Determination - TransPension Division

    The Target Market Determination (TMD) for our TransPension division explains who this product has been designed for, taking into consideration the types of members and their needs, objectives, and financial situation including any features which may make the product unsuitable for some.

    File size: 166 KB

Need more information?

If you have any queries, please call us on 1800 222 071 between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.