Lifetime event insurance cover

Helping you change your insurance when your needs change
When big life changes come along, you need to think about how you and your family would manage if your income stopped. Having the right insurance cover in place could make all the difference.
Following a ‘lifetime event’, if you currently have insurance cover with us, you may be eligible to apply for increased death only, death and TPD cover, or income protection cover without the need to provide medical and lifestyle evidence.
Lifetime events include:
- a salary increase
- marriage (or divorce)
- having a child (including adoption)
- a child first starting primary or secondary school
- taking out a mortgage on your primary residence (to purchase that residence)
- the death of a spouse
- first becoming eligible for Centrelink Carer's Allowance.
How to apply
You can apply online via Member Online. Remember to have any documentation relating to the event on hand before you log in (e.g. a copy of your child's school enrolment letter or your marriage certificate).
We can help you complete the application process if you need help - call 1800 222 071 between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.
Things to consider
With lifetime event cover, you need to apply:
- within 60 days of the lifetime event, or
- within 60 days after the next member statement is issued to you after the lifetime event.
You should read the important information about insurance in your super before making a decision. Read the Insurance Guide which includes information about eligibility for insurance, the costs and conditions and exclusions that apply to the insurance cover. This information may affect your entitlement to insurance cover and should be read before deciding whether the insurance is appropriate. The material relating to insurance in your super may change between the time when you read this PDS and the day you sign the application form or the date you join TWUSUPER.