It's important to remember that super is a long-term investment.

The table below is updated on a rolling monthly basis, and covers Super and Retirement Super Pensions (Pension Account).

It is hard to calculate returns for Pre-retirement Super Pensions (TTR) on a similar basis, due to tax changes that took place on 1 July 2017 – call us instead on 1800 222 071 between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.

Need help choosing the right investment option for you?

To find out more about our investment options or for help choosing the right one for you, call us on 1800 222 071 between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.

Note: The Conservative and Moderate investment options are new, and were launched on 27 September 2021 - as a result there is no long-term investment performance history for these options. The High Growth investment option was previously called Equity Plus, and was renamed on 27 September 2021 - no other changes were made to this investment option.

Annualised investment returns to 31 December 2024

Investment option 10 years % pa 7 years % pa 5 years % pa 3 years % pa 1 year %
Cash Plus 1.81 1.82 1.92 2.98 4.28
Conservative N/A N/A N/A 3.02 6.44
Moderate N/A N/A N/A 4.20 8.70
Balanced (MySuper) 7.07 6.57 6.70 5.34 11.00
High Growth 8.71 8.30 8.54 6.74 14.38