Key documents

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Trust Deed
TWUSUPER's Trust Deed is a legal document that sets out the rules for the establishment and operation of the Fund.
Together with the super laws, it forms the rules that govern us and includes the:
- powers, duties and responsibilities of the Fund's Trustee
- rights of members
- scope of the operation of TWUSUPER (what can and cannot be done within the super laws).
Trustee Company Constitution
TWUSUPER is operated and managed by TWU Nominees Pty Ltd (Trustee Company), a company whose sole purpose is to act as a Trustee to TWUSUPER. The Trustee Company operates within the rules set out in its Constitution.
The Constitution, which provides for the ownership structure of the Trustee company, also outlines the rules for the nomination, appointment and removal of its Directors.
Conflicts Management Policy
The Trustee (including its directors and senior managers) has an obligation to perform its duties in the best interests of the beneficiaries of TWUSUPER. To this end, the Trustee has implemented a conflicts management framework to identify and manage any actual or potential conflicts between the:
- duties of the Trustee to beneficiaries and to any other person
- interests of beneficiaries and duties of the Trustee to any other person
- the Trustee’s duties to beneficiaries and the interests of the Trustee
- interests of the beneficiaries and interests of the Trustee.
Any duties and interests of the Trustee's Directors and senior managers which could reasonably give rise to a significant conflict are recorded in a Register of Relevant Duties and a Register of Relevant Interests.