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As a TWUSUPER member you can get general advice about your TWUSUPER account. You can get this advice over the phone by calling 1800 222 071 to make an appointment or using the online form at the bottom of this page to schedule a callback for any weekday between 9am and 5pm (AEST/AEDT).
We offer general advice to help you make decisions about:
TWUSUPER general advice specialists give you the tools to help you make these decisions but they don't take into account your personal circumstances in the same way that they would if you were seeking personal advice.
There is no extra cost to use the general advice service – the cost is included in the fees that apply to all super accounts. If you're considering more personalised advice, see our types of Personal advice page to see how we could help.
See the case studies below for some examples of how members typically use general advice.
Below are two examples of how general advice could help a member.
Rohit, aged 50, on his contribution options
My youngest child recently left home and I now have a bit extra to put in my super. What are my options?
General advice specialist
Our general advice specialist talked Rohit through the different types of contribution options available to him and some things to generally consider before making those contributions.
He was advised to consider whether salary sacrificing any spare income to super could work in his favour as a tax-effective way to build his retirement savings.
Rohit looked further into salary sacrifice using the TWUSUPER information page and went on to set up a Salary Sacrifice agreement with his employer.
Sharon, aged 25, checking her investment options
I'm going to be in the workforce for another 40 or so years and was wondering if my investment option was appropriate for that timeframe?
General advice specialist
The general advice specialist looked at Sharon’s account and saw she was invested in the Balanced (MySuper) option. They talked her through the other four investment options available to her and how she could update her investments through Member Online.
Sharon was also advised that super is a long-term investment and that past performance is not indicative of future performance, so her choices now may affect her future balance.
Use the form below to request a call back. Note that the call back service is available for Australian residents only. If you're overseas, please call +61 3 9192 4414.
The team's available between 9am and 5pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.
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