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If you're a TWUSUPER member and you're ready to take a closer look at your super and retirement options, you can get personalised financial advice through TWUSUPER to suit your needs.
On this page you can find out about:
Your first meeting with a TWUSUPER Financial Adviser* is available at no additional fee and is obligation free.
This meeting is an opportunity for our advisers to understand your unique circumstances and goals so that they can explain how they can help you with tailored financial advice about your TWUSUPER account. They will explain if any fee will apply for the advice (if so, the fee can come straight out your super account and are outlined in the table below).
Following the initial meeting, you choose what advice you would like to receive about your TWUSUPER account. The advice is then prepared and presented to you and assistance is provided to help you implement the recommendations.
We recognise that managing finances in retirement is a team effort. Therefore, although we can only give advice to TWUSUPER members, if you have a non-member partner, they are welcome to attend the meeting with you.
Note: Although TWUSUPER was set up for the people who keep Australia moving, you don’t have to work in transport to become a member.
Our financial advice is all about helping you achieve your goals.
Some members seek advice about ‘transactional’ goals that relate to an individual task or specific action, for example:
"I want to put $50,000 into my TWUSUPER account. Should I do this? What type of contribution should I make?",
"I want to access $30,000 per year from my TWUSUPER balance to use as income in retirement. What’s the best way to do this?"
Other members seek advice about ‘retirement-based’ goals which require a range of actions to help them plan for a secure retirement, for example:
"I'd like an income of $50,000 per year (from Centrelink entitlements and my super combined) from my retirement at age 67. Will I be able to achieve this goal? What should I do with my super to help me reach that goal?"
Below is an overview of the goals-based personal advice you can get from TWUSUPER, and the fees (if any) that may apply. Remember, these fees can be deducted from your super account rather than being paid from your hip pocket.
Transactional goals advice |
Retirement goals projections |
‘Super’ advice (no additional fee)
‘Retirement Health Check’ Projection
‘Pension’ advice ($1,000 fee)
‘Insurance’ advice ($500 fee)
Note: These fees will generally come out of your super account.
Transactional advice topics |
Retirement goals projections | Total fee |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Use the form below to request a call back. Note that the call back service is available for Australian residents only. If you're overseas, please call +61 3 9192 4414.
The team's available between 9am and 5pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.
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*TWUSUPER ABN 77 343 563 307 has engaged Industry Fund Services Limited (IFS) ABN 54 007 016 195 AFSL No 232514 to facilitate the provision of financial advice to members of TWUSUPER. Advice is provided by one of our financial advisers who are employees of TWU Nominees Pty Ltd and Authorised Representatives of IFS. Fees for personal advice may apply. Further information about the advice services that can be provided is set out in IFS’ Financial Services Guide, a copy of which is available by calling 1800 222 071. IFS is responsible for any advice given to you by its Authorised Representatives.