Casual employees

Do casuals get super?
Yes. Under Australia’s Superannuation Guarantee (SG) laws, employers are required to pay at least 11.5% super for casual employees who are over 18 years old and are not otherwise exempted from Superannuation Guarantee contributions.
As of 1 July 2022, even if an employee earns under $450 a month, they must still be paid the SG – the old exemption no longer applies.
These rules also apply to any casuals who are domestic or private workers (i.e. not working for a business) for more than 30 hours a week, such as nannies and paid carers.
There are additional criteria for those casual employees who are under age 18.
Super for casuals under 18 years of age
Superannuation must also be paid for any casual employee who is under 18 years of age, works at least 30 hours per week and is not otherwise exempted. This means that employers must pay super for every week that an under-18 casual works 30 hours or more.
How much super is paid to casual employees?
11.5% of ordinary time earnings. From 1 July 2024 employers are required to pay super equivalent to 11.5% of the employee’s ordinary time earnings, which generally include basic salary, shift loadings and most types of allowances and bonuses (except overtime bonus). The SG will increase to 12% on 1 July 2025.
The amount of super an employer must pay a casual employee is worked out in the same way as it is for permanent staff. If a casual worker meets the criteria, then their employer must pay super into the worker’s super fund at least once a quarter.
Some payments are not ordinarily considered to be part of ordinary time earnings and therefore would not be included in calculations for super, and these include:
- overtime,
- expense allowances, and
- reimbursements.
The above is a guide only and not to be relied upon in calculating ordinary time earnings for any particular employee – not all jobs are the same, and not all sources of income are treated the same either. Further information is available at
Mistakes to avoid
Common mistakes made by employers calculating super for casuals include:
- Not separating overtime hours from regular hours. If overtime hours can’t be identified, then they must be treated as regular hours and included in super calculations.
- Not correctly recording hours per week for casuals who are under 18 years of age.
- Including payments that should be left out of super calculations, or leaving out payments that should be included.
Overtime loadings and super
Unlike other loadings, super is generally not paid on overtime loadings. This can cause a lot of confusion. However, a simple chat with one of the Account Managers at TWUSUPER should help you get on the right track.
Can casuals join TWUSUPER?
Yes. Casual employees can definitely join TWUSUPER.
Need more answers?
If you still have any questions about super for casual employees, give us a call between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays on 1800 222 071. If you’re an employer who is contributing to TWUSUPER for your other employees, you can contact your TWUSUPER Account Manager directly.