Forms & documents

On this page we list every online and PDF form available for members, as well as documentation relating to the Fund. Most of the PDF forms are interactive - meaning you can type into them from your computer before printing out and signing them.
If you need help updating your details or have questions about TWUSUPER, please call 1800 222 071 between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.
Choice of Fund - Online form
It's easy to stay with TWUSUPER
It's easy to stay with TWUSUPER
Letting your employer know you want to stay with TWUSUPER is easy with this online form which you can email to your employer once completed online.
Choice of Fund - Paper form
ATO Choice of Fund form - TWUSUPER details pre-filled
ATO Choice of Fund form (PDF)
ATO Choice of Fund form with TWUSUPER fund details pre-filled.
DownloadFile size: 430 KB -
TWUSUPER Choice of Fund form and Letter of Compliance
TWUSUPER Choice of Fund form and Letter of Compliance
TWUSUPER-branded Choice of Fund form with Letter of Compliance attached.
DownloadFile size: 144 KB -
Letter of Compliance
Letter of Compliance
Your employer may ask for confirmation that TWUSUPER is a complying super fund. You can provide them with a copy of this document.
DownloadFile size: 57 KB
Update your details
You can update most details by logging into Member Online
Login to Member Online to update these details
You can update the following by logging into Member Online:
- Your address and other contact details
- Your investment options
- Your non-binding beneficiaries
- Certain insurance options (see insurance section below for all insurance forms).
Change name and date of birth
To change your name or update your date of birth, you will need to submit a form with your proof of ID (see form for more information about this).
DownloadFile size: 529 KBUpdate bank details for your Retirement Super Pension - Interactive PDF
If you have a Retirement Super Pension account, you can use this form to update your bank account details. You can fill the form in online before printing it out and returning it to TWUSUPER with proof of ID (see form for more information).
DownloadFile size: 248 KBChange your pension payments - Interactive PDF
Use this form to change your pension payments details. You can fill out most of the form online, before printing it out and sending it to TWUSUPER with your proof of ID (see form for more information about this).
DownloadFile size: 356 KB
Voluntary contributions and tax deduction notification
Voluntary contributions - personal or spouse - Interactive PDF
Use this form to make contributions on your or your spouse's behalf. See Contributions and tax benefits to find out more about making different kinds of contributions to your super or your spouse's super.
DownloadFile size: 279 KBPre-filled Tax deduction notification ATO form
Use this form to notify TWUSUPER of your intent to claim a tax deduction. We have pre-filled the Fund details for you so you just need to supply your own details.
DownloadFile size: 206 KBPayroll deduction authority - Voluntary contributions - Interactive PDF
Use this form to give authority to your employer to make voluntary payments to your super. Voluntary contributions are subject to government contribution caps. See Contributions and tax benefits to find out more.
DownloadFile size: 125 KBContributions splitting
Use this form to share your super with your spouse by transferring contributions you have made to your super to their account. See Contributions and tax benefits to find out more.
DownloadFile size: 221 KB
Nominate or change beneficiaries
Binding and non-binding nominations
Choosing a beneficiary
You can nominate who you like to receive your death benefit, but there are rules around who a trustee can pay. All TWUSUPER members can make a binding or non-binding nomination, and some pension members can have a reversionary nomination.
DownloadFile size: 205 KBUpdate binding nominations - Interactive PDF
Binding nominations can be made for super and pension accounts and can only be made via a paper form. You will need two witnesses and your nomination will remain effective for up to three years.
DownloadFile size: 284 KBNominate or change non-binding beneficiaries
You can make a non-binding nomination online through Member Online or by calling us on 1800 222 071 between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.
Reversionary beneficiary (TransPension members only)
TransPension members can use this form to make, change or cancel a reversionary beneficiary nomination
DownloadFile size: 233 KB
Update your insurance - Online
Find out what you can update through Member Online
By logging into Member Online you can make the following changes to your insurance:
- Apply for additional Death Cover or Death and TPD cover (including a transfer from another fund) or Lifetime Event cover
- Notify us of a Terminal Illness, TPD or Income Protection claim (if your injury occurred after 26 May 2017)
- Apply for Income Protection Cover
- Apply for additional units of insurance, or for Income Protection, as a new insured member
If you need help, please call 1800 222 071 between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.
Update your insurance
Opt-in to basic cover
If you’re not yet eligible for basic cover to be automatically switched on, you can opt-in to basic cover if you need it.
DownloadFile size: 233 KBApply for voluntary cover
Apply for (or top up) your death and/or death and TPD insurance cover (known as voluntary cover) and apply for income protection insurance cover.
DownloadFile size: 325 KBReduce or cancel cover
Reduce or cancel existing cover (including changes to income protection cover).
Note: You can also cancel or reduce existing cover through Member Online.
DownloadFile size: 95 KBChange insurance group
Complete this form if your type of employment has changed, or you did not nominate a group when you joined the Fund and wish to do so now.
Note: Changing insurance groups can sometimes mean that insurance cover will be automatically switched off. Instead of using this form, you can let us know you've changed employment type through Member Online.
DownloadFile size: 261 KBNew member offer
Newly insured members can apply for an extra unit of basic death and TPD cover within 60 days of the date of their Insurance Welcome Letter, without the need for medical and lifestyle evidence.
And Group 2 and 3 members can – within 120 days of the date of their Insurance Welcome Letter – apply for income protection cover with a 'short-form' application process.
Note: You can also apply for this extra cover through Member Online.
DownloadFile size: 151 KBTransfer of cover application
If you have insurance with another super fund or another insurance provider, you can use this form to transfer that cover to TWUSUPER.
Note: Instead of using this form, you can apply to transfer your cover through Member Online.
DownloadFile size: 862 KBLifetime events cover application
If you've had a recent life event, such as getting married or having a child, you may be eligible to increase your insurance cover without providing medical and lifestyle evidence. You can also apply for lifetime event insurance cover through Member Online.
DownloadFile size: 239 KBFixed cover
Fixed cover means the dollar amount of your basic insurance cover stays the same over time.
You can use this form to switch from basic unitised cover to basic fixed cover or vice versa. See the Insurance Guide for full details or call us on 1800 222 071 to find out more.
DownloadFile size: 100 KB
Want to make a withdrawal?
Because the law specifies when and how super can be accessed, we have different processes in place for accessing super depending on your circumstances. Please call us on 1800 222 071 and we will let you know what the next steps are and send you the right paperwork.
Fact Sheets
Proof of identity
Proof of identity
We may need proof of identity before we can update certain personal details. To provide your proof of identity, photocopy your passport or current Australian driver's licence and have the copy certified.
DownloadFile size: 188 KB -
Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategy
Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategy
Find out how a TTR strategy could help you if you choose to open a Pre-retirement Super Pension. This short booklet includes an overview of how this strategy works and includes worked examples and a case study.
DownloadFile size: 760 KB -
Choosing a beneficiary
Choosing a beneficiary
You can nominate anyone you like to receive your death benefit, but there are rules around who a trustee can pay. All TWUSUPER members can make a binding or non-binding nomination, and some pension members can have a reversionary nomination
DownloadFile size: 205 KB -
Insurance in super
Insurance in super
A fact sheet on automatic insurance cover for TWUSUPER members.
DownloadFile size: 261 KB -
Claiming a death benefit
Claiming a death benefit
Information about making a claim as a beneficiary.
DownloadFile size: 155 KB -
Claiming a TPD benefit
Claiming a TPD Benefit - Date of injury or ceased work: Before 27 October 2018
Information about making a Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) claim.
DownloadFile size: 136 KBClaiming a TPD Benefit- Date of injury or ceased work: Between 27 Oct 2018 and 31 January 2023
Information about making a Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) claim when date of injury or ceased work is between 27 Oct 2018 and 31 January 2023
DownloadFile size: 169 KBClaiming a TPD Benefit- Date of injury or ceased work: From 1 Feb 2023
Information about making a Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) claim when date of injury or ceased work was from 1 February 2023
DownloadFile size: 169 KB -
Claiming an Income Protection (IP) benefit
Claiming an Income Protection (IP) benefit
This fact sheet provides some important information on claiming an Income Protection (IP) benefit with TWUSUPER.
DownloadFile size: 71 KB
Product disclosure
Product disclosure
Product Disclosure Statement - Super
A summary of significant information about TWUSUPER
DownloadFile size: 364 KBProduct Disclosure Statement - TransPension
To join TransPension, download and read the Pension Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and complete the Membership Application form at the back.
DownloadFile size: 2.2 MBHow Super Works
Detailed information on tax on super and adding to and withdrawing from your super.
DownloadFile size: 342 KBInvestment Guide
Detailed information on super investments and TWUSUPER's investment strategy and process.
DownloadFile size: 715 KBInsurance Guide
A detailed document showing TWUSUPER's insurance arrangements.
DownloadFile size: 577 KBFees and Costs Guide
An overview of fees and costs associated with our super products. For fees and costs related to retirement costs, see Product Disclosure Statement and Application Form - TransPension above.
DownloadFile size: 228 KBFinancial Services Guide
To help you decide whether to use the financial services provided by TWU Nominees Pty Ltd.
DownloadFile size: 82 KB
Target Market Determination (TMD)
Target Market Determination (TMD)
Target Market Determination - Accumulation Division
The Target Market Determination (TMD) for our Accumulation Division explains who this product has been designed for, taking into consideration the types of members and their needs, objectives, and financial situation including any features which may make the product unsuitable for some.
DownloadFile size: 138 KBTarget Market Determination - TransPension Division
The Target Market Determination (TMD) for our TransPension division explains who this product has been designed for, taking into consideration the types of members and their needs, objectives, and financial situation including any features which may make the product unsuitable for some.
DownloadFile size: 166 KB
Governance and transparency
Trust Deed
TWUSUPER's Trust Deed is a legal document that sets out the rules for the establishment and operation of the Fund.
Together with the super laws, it forms the rules that govern the Fund and includes the:
- powers, duties and responsibilities of the Fund's Trustee
- rights of members
- scope of the operation of TWUSUPER (what can and cannot be done within the super laws).
DownloadFile size: 702 KBTrustee Company Constitution
TWUSUPER is operated and managed by TWU Nominees Pty Ltd (Trustee Company), a company whose sole purpose is to act as a Trustee to the Fund. The Trustee Company operates within the rules set out in its Constitution.
The Constitution, which provides for the ownership structure of the Trustee company, also outlines the rules for the nomination, appointment and removal of its Directors.
DownloadFile size: 228 KBTrustee Company Final Audited Financial Statements
Financial Statements for the last financial year for TWU Nominees Pty Ltd (the Trustee company), comprise a Directors' Report, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Cash Flow Statement, Notes to the Financial Statements, Directors' Declaration and the Independent auditors report.
DownloadFile size: 2.5 MBFund Final Audited Financial Statements
Financial Statements for the last financial year for TWU Superannuation Fund (established by a Trust Deed dated 4 October 1984), comprise a Statement of Financial Position, Income Statement, Statement of Changes in Member Benefits, Statement of Changes in Reserves, Statement of Cash Flows, Trustee Statement and the Independent Auditor’s Report.
DownloadFile size: 14 MB -
Climate Change Position Statement
We recognise that climate change may represent strategic risks and opportunities for TWUSUPER and its members.
DownloadFile size: 181 KBConflicts Management Policy
The Trustee (including its directors and senior managers) has an obligation to perform its duties in the best interests of the beneficiaries of the Fund.
DownloadFile size: 243 KBPrivacy Policy
Download the full Privacy Policy below or view the summary here.
DownloadFile size: 188 KBResponsible Investment Policy
We believe that companies that manage environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues properly will be more financially sustainable and perform better over the long term.
DownloadFile size: 394 KBStewardship Statement
TWUSUPER is a signatory to the Australian Asset Owner Stewardship Code and supports its six principles.
DownloadFile size: 180 KBVulnerable Persons Policy - Abridged
TWUSUPER recognises that some people may have unique needs and require additional assistance when contacting or transacting with TWUSUPER.
DownloadFile size: 482 KB -
Directors and Executive Officers
Director qualifications and experience
TWUSUPER director qualifications and experience.
DownloadFile size: 187 KBExecutive officers' qualifications and experience
TWUSUPER executive officers' qualifications and experience.
DownloadFile size: 158 KBRelevant duties register
Relevant duties of TWUSUPER directors and executive officers.
DownloadFile size: 163 KBRelevant interests register
Relevant interests of TWUSUPER directors and executive officers.
DownloadFile size: 74 KB -
Balanced (MySuper) Dashboard
Balanced (MySuper) Product Dashboard
A summary of TWUSUPER's Balanced (MySuper) investment option.
DownloadFile size: 52 KB