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Over time your insurance needs will change so it makes sense to check your insurance cover arrangements.

For example, are you in the right insurance group (especially if your role has changed), do you have the right amount of cover, or do your beneficiaries need updating?

Insurance groups

Many details affecting your insurance cover with the Fund – such as when cover automatically starts, your level of cover and the fees you pay – depend on which insurance group you belong to.

TWUSUPER offers three insurance groups. These are based on the type of work you do.

See groups

Change cover

You can reduce or cancel your cover at any time through Member Online or by calling 1800 222 071 from 8am to 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.

For other changes – such as applying for extra cover, changing insurance groups, or making a lifetime event change – you can apply through Member Online or in writing (you can't make these changes over the phone). See change cover to find out more.

Changing cover


You can nominate the beneficiaries you would like to receive your death benefit in the event of your death. Your nomination can be binding or non-binding.

Nominating beneficiaries