Insurance strategy and claims philosophy

At TWUSUPER we're committed to getting the best outcome for our members through their insurance.
If you have questions about your insurance, please call us on 1800 222 071 between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT) weekdays.
Insurance strategy
TWUSUPER’s insurance strategy is as follows:
- To provide a basic level of Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) insurance cover to the transport and logistics industry in a cost and tax-effective environment.
- To provide a base level of cover for death and TPD cover to a membership demographic that is limited as to the cover they may be able to obtain on an individual basis.
- To ensure the basic default insurance offered is appropriate and affordable and that the cost does not inappropriately erode retirement account balances.
- To ensure all communication to members is clear and timely.
- To play a visible role in the claims process, ensuring members receive regular updates on the progress of their claim as well as ensuring a decision is reached in a reasonable timeframe.
- The Fund recognises that costs must be kept to a minimum to prevent inappropriate erosion of retirement savings yet provide options to those who want and need more cover. As a result, the Fund provides alternatives to increase levels of cover, with and without medical assessments. The types of cover a member may apply for includes death, death and TPD cover and Income Protection (IP) cover.
Claims philosophy
The Trustee is committed to the claims process being transparent, streamlined, proficient and performed within agreed service standards, and that the claims handling process includes appropriate governance arrangements and monitoring.
The Trustee will do everything that is reasonable to pursue an insurance claim for the benefit of a beneficiary if the claim has a reasonable prospect of success through the following processes:
- requesting further information from the member to support their claim as may be required
- liaising with our administrator in order to request further information from our insurers in relation to a claim, or
- liaising directly with the relevant insurer in relation to a claim.
In determining whether or not it is reasonable to pursue a claim, and to what extent, the Fund will have regard to the impact of the likely costs and benefits to all affected members of the Fund. In determining whether a claim has a reasonable prospect of success, as a minimum, it will take into account:
- the facts of the claim
- the insurance policy terms and conditions, and
- legal advice as determined by the Trustee.
The claims philosophy of the involved parties is:
Entity | Philosophy |
Fund | To pay all accepted claims promptly when a condition of release has been met in accordance with relevant legislation and the terms of the Fund’s Trust Deed. |
Insurer | To pay all genuine claims, make prompt decisions while ensuring the customer is at the centre of everything we do. |
Administrator | To administer claims in line with the Fund’s Trust Deed, policies and business rules, and agreed service standards. |