Investment returns to date for the financial year starting 1 July 2024

Returns are net of fees, costs and (where relevant) estimated tax.

Account type Investment option  1 July 2024 to 12 February 2025
Super Cash Plus 2.68
Conservative 4.97
Moderate 6.18
Balanced (MySuper) 7.48
High Growth 9.50
Pre-Retirement Super Pensions
Cash Plus 2.68
Conservative 4.97
Moderate 6.18
Balanced 7.48
High Growth 9.50
Retirement Super Pensions
(Pension Account)
Cash Plus 3.02
Conservative 5.66
Moderate 6.95
Balanced 8.05
High Growth 10.27

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a fund.

* When we talk about our Balanced (MySuper) option, we're also referring to the Balanced option for TransPension members, including Pre-Retirement Super Pensions (TTR) and Retirement Super Pensions (Pension Account). They're the same investment option (ie. the same profile and asset allocation), but we use a different name to differentiate between our accumulation and pension products and to comply with Government requirements.

Final returns for the year to 30 June 2024

The table below shows the final returns for the High Growth, Balanced (MySuper), Moderate, Conservative and Cash Plus investment options for the year to 30 June 2024.

Returns are net of fees, costs and (where relevant) estimated tax. 

Account type Investment option  1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
Super Cash Plus 4.17
Conservative 6.03
Moderate 7.78
Balanced (MySuper)* 9.44
High Growth 11.63
Pre-retirement Super Pensions
Cash Plus 4.17
Conservative 6.03
Moderate 7.78
Balanced 9.44
High Growth 11.63
Retirement Super Pensions
(Pension Account)
Cash Plus 4.72
Conservative 6.93
Moderate 8.82
Balanced 10.32
High Growth 13.01

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a fund.

Historical investment returns

Historical investment returns - over longer time periods - can be found here.