Claiming a tax deduction

Did you know you could claim a tax deduction on a personal after-tax contribution you make to super from your take-home pay?
Check the ATO website to see if you’re eligible to claim a tax deduction for this financial year. You can also call us on 1800 222 071 for general advice about eligibility criteria.
Once you’ve confirmed you’re eligible, follow the four steps below.
Step 1
Make a personal after-tax contribution into your super account
You’ll need to make your contribution in time for us to process your payment by 30 June 2025. You can use BPAY® to do this.
TWUSUPER’s Biller Code: 289686
Your unique BPAY® Reference Number: You can find this by logging in to Member Online or checking your Annual Statement.
® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518
Step 2
Notify TWUSUPER that you intend to claim a tax deduction
You must advise us that you intend to claim a tax deduction on part or all of your personal after-tax contribution by sending us a completed Notice of intent to claim (NOI) form. You can attach it to our contact form on Member Online or post it to us.
To be valid, you must submit the NOI form before you lodge your tax return.
You must also lodge your NOI form before you start an account based income stream with your super and before withdrawing or rolling over your super balance. If you are aged 67 or over, you must also meet a work test.
When we process your NOI form, your personal after-tax (non-concessional) contribution will be reclassified as a personal tax deductible (concessional) contribution and we will deduct 15% contributions tax.
‘Concessional’ contributions include personal tax deductible contributions, the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions your employer makes, and salary sacrifice contributions. The standard cap for concessional’ contributions in 2024/25 is $30,000.
However, if your total super balance is under $500,000, you can carry forward any unused portion of the concessional contributions cap up to five previous financial years – this may allow you to contribute more than the $30,000 limit without paying additional tax.
Step 3
Receive acknowledgement from us
Wait until you’ve received written acknowledgement from us that we’ve processed your form before lodging your tax return. You’ll need this acknowledgement to claim the deduction in your 2024/25 tax return.
Step 4
Claim a tax deduction in your tax return
Lodge your 2024/25 tax return and claim a deduction for the amount advised in your NOI form.
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